In Springfield & Sangamon County you’ll find 877 square miles of possibility. From the local businesses rooted here, solid education systems, diverse career opportunities, state-of-the-art healthcare to our rich history and culture, and more -- Thrive in SPI is here to remind you of everything that makes this home. WHATThrive In SPI is a community marketing and branding campaign intended to ignite community awareness and pride as a first step in the SSGA's efforts to spur economic growth and prosperity for our community. WHYWe’re all guilty of taking for granted what is right in front of us at times, but Springfield really is a wonderful place to live, whether you are a life-long resident or a transplant. We know businesses can’t thrive without a strong community behind them, so having residents’ support as we launch new business attraction initiatives is crucial to our success. HOWThe campaign will rely on community leaders and advocates to help residents reimagine all their hometown has to offer. As part of our Thrive In SPI campaign, we are creating an advocacy program, and are enlisting passionate community members to help us tell the story of what makes Springfield and Sangamon County unique. Engage and connect>> CAMPAIGN VIDEOS CAMPAIGN RESOURCES THRIVE